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"U.S. Embassy Attaché Found Dead + Emergency Food Stocks Ordered! Global Crisis Updates!"

"U.S. Embassy Attaché Found Dead + Emergency Food Stocks Ordered! Global Crisis Updates!"


Good evening, and welcome back to JPCE Spiritual Talk. Tonight, we will continue discussing the US Embassy Attache, who was found dead in a Kyiv Hotel. It has some fascinating facts, and I spent some time drafting a report on my findings; we will discuss emergency foods stocks ordered in Norway. Something big is coming. We will talk about an American General who has something important about the coup in Bolivia, and we will discuss attacks on water systems, naval blockades, and how many men are leaving Ukraine resisting to fight for Zelensky, and with other Global crises on the agenda that's head into our exploration to uncover the truth.


U.S. Embassy attaché found dead in Kyiv hotel - N.V. source




1.    Incident Overview:

·        A U.S. Embassy attaché was found dead at the Hilton Hotel in Kyiv on June 25, 2024, around 11:00 AM.


·        The individual arrived in Ukraine on June 15 and, ten days later, was found dead.


·        There were no signs of violence, and the hotel room door was locked from the inside, and this is where things seem strange.


2.    Confirmation and Statements:

·        Matthew Miller, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department, confirmed the death and stated that the individual was under the "chief of mission authority" at the embassy.


·        He expressed condolences and emphasized that the death appeared to be from natural causes, with no signs of foul play.


3.    Health and Circumstances:

·        Multiple reports mention the deceased had high cholesterol, but if someone wasn't feeling up to speed, why would they travel on the way to Ukraine? Very interesting is most of the details.


·        No autopsy was performed; the U.S. Embassy took the body.


4.    Related Incidents:

·        An earlier unrelated incident involving an attack on a U.S. Embassy security guard by teenagers was reported.


5.    Context:

·        The event occurs against the backdrop of ongoing U.S. involvement in Ukraine amidst the war with Russia, with significant U.S. military aid provided to Ukraine.



  • Consistency Across Sources:

  • All sources consistently report the time, location, and lack of signs of violence in the death of the U.S. diplomat.


  • The cause of death is consistently described as likely natural, with high cholesterol noted.


  • Differences:

  • N.V. vs. Strana U.A.: Both report similar details but vary slightly in the level of detail about the embassy's response and the deceased's medical condition.


  • RBC-Ukraine emphasizes that there was no comment from the U.S. Embassy initially, while other sources mention later confirmation by the State Department.


  • Foreign Policy Context: Some articles provide a broader geopolitical context, discussing the U.S. diplomatic presence and staffing levels in Ukraine, and it said by a friend of mine played in yesterday's voice recording that this diplomat was an overseer of how all the funds would be allocated in Ukraine, and yesterday Ukraine boasted about receiving 60 Billion, and in 10 days a U.S. Diplomat is found dead in a hotel.


  • Conspiracy Theories:

  • Multiple sources, including the State Department, preemptively address potential conspiracy theories, emphasizing the natural cause of death.


  • This focus suggests an awareness of public sensitivity to such events, especially in the politically charged environment of Ukraine.


  • Tone and Presentation:

  • The tone across sources remains factual, though some sources, like N.V., include appeals to support independent journalism and combat misinformation.



The reporting on the incident is consistent mainly across different outlets, focusing on the details of the death, the context of U.S.-Ukraine relations, and the lack of foul play. Including health details and locking the door from the inside reinforces the narrative of natural causes. Proactively addressing potential conspiracy theories reflects a concern over misinformation in the geopolitical climate.


Emergency order for food stocks in the European north! They are waiting for something.


"We must prepare for the unexpected."




Norway has initiated an emergency order to store 30,000 tonnes of grain, to reach 82,500 tonnes by the end of the decade. This stockpile aims to provide three months' food supply for over 5 million citizens in case of a crisis, reflecting growing concerns over regional security. Agriculture and Food Minister Geir Pollestad emphasized the importance of food security and preparedness for unforeseen events.


Key Points

  • Emergency Grain Storage: Norway signed a contract with private companies to store grain.


  • Target: Aim to store 82,500 tonnes by the decade's end.



  • Purpose: To ensure a three-month food supply for Norway's population in emergencies.


  • Context: Rising regional security concerns prompt increased preparedness.



  • Implementation: Contracts will take effect between 2024 and 2025, with a 25-year storage duration.


  • Current Self-Sufficiency: Norway maintains a 40% food self-sufficiency rate.


American general "shows" the cause of the coup in Bolivia: "Lithium is significant to us."


Bolivia's agreement with Russia



Objective Summary

Laura Richardson, a U.S. general focusing on Latin America, highlighted the strategic importance of Bolivia's lithium resources for the United States, suggesting it played a role in the attempted coup in Bolivia. Bolivia, possessing vast lithium reserves crucial for electric vehicle batteries, signed a significant $450 million deal with Russia's Uranium One, a subsidiary of Rosatom, to develop lithium extraction infrastructure. This agreement aims to establish a pilot plant in Bolivia's southern salt flats, with plans to ramp up production to 14,000 tons of lithium carbonate annually. Bolivia aims to capitalize on its lithium reserves, which are projected to exceed natural gas exports in value amid a crisis in the gas industry due to underinvestment.


Key Points

1.    Strategic Importance of Lithium:

·        Lithium is essential for manufacturing batteries in electric vehicles (E.V.s) and various electronic devices, making it a critical resource for future energy technologies.


·        Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina form the "lithium triangle," possessing some of the largest lithium reserves globally.


2.    U.S. Interest and Coups in Bolivia:

·        General Laura Richardson implied that U.S. interest in Bolivia's lithium reserves may have been a factor in past political instability, including coup attempts in the country.


·        Electric vehicle development and global energy transition initiatives increase the geopolitical significance of lithium-rich regions like Bolivia.


3.    Russia-Bolivia Lithium Deal:

·        Bolivia signed a $450 million agreement with Uranium One, a Russian state-owned company, to develop lithium extraction infrastructure.

·        The deal includes plans to establish a pilot plant for lithium carbonate production in Bolivia's salt flats, with initial production expected to start at 1,000 tons annually and increase to 14,000 tons.


4.    Economic Impact and Strategic Planning:

·        Bolivia aims to diversify its economy by leveraging its lithium resources, projecting lithium exports to surpass natural gas sales in value, which has declined due to inadequate investment.


·        The investment from Russia underscores Bolivia's strategy to participate in all stages of the lithium production chain, aiming for substantial economic benefits and technological advancement.


5.    Geopolitical Implications:

·        The agreement with Russia highlights Bolivia's strategic pivot towards partnerships that advance its lithium industry, potentially impacting regional dynamics and global energy supply chains.


·        Competition over lithium resources underscores the broader geopolitical tensions and strategic interests among major powers seeking to secure access to critical minerals for future technological advancements.



The development of Bolivia's lithium resources and the strategic agreements with Russia illustrate the country's efforts to capitalize on its natural wealth amid global shifts towards sustainable energy technologies. The U.S. interest in Bolivia's lithium reserves, as suggested by General Richardson, adds a layer of geopolitical complexity, potentially influencing past political instability in the region. Bolivia's focus on lithium extraction represents a pivotal economic strategy aimed at diversification and technological advancement, with significant implications for regional dynamics and global energy markets.


"Strike inside the USA on the horizon"! Lieutenant Colonel means "alert."



"Imminent Attack"


Objective Summary

Lt. Col. Scott Mann, a former U.S. Special Forces official, has issued a warning of an imminent terrorist attack within the United States, citing sources among Afghanistan veterans. Mann, speaking on Newsmax, highlighted concerns about increased underground activity in Afghanistan and criticized U.S. intelligence and political leadership for parallels to conditions preceding the 9/11 attacks. He attributed heightened risks to President Joe Biden's policies, particularly the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which he argues has facilitated a resurgence in terrorist threats.


Key Points

1.    Imminent Terrorist Threat:

·        Lt. Col. Scott Mann, based on information from Afghanistan veteran sources, predicts a significant terrorist attack inside the U.S. shortly.


·        He points to increased underground activities in Afghanistan as a precursor to this threat.


2.    Criticism of U.S. Policies:

·        Mann criticizes U.S. intelligence agencies and political leadership for what he perceives as a return to pre-9/11 security vulnerabilities.


·        He argues that President Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, leaving behind substantial military equipment, has exacerbated the terrorism threat.


3.    Historical Parallels:

·        Mann draws parallels to the conditions leading up to the 9/11 attacks, emphasizing the need for enhanced domestic surveillance and counterterrorism efforts.


4.    Task Force Pineapple Reference:

·        Mann's insights are informed by his involvement in Task Force Pineapple, a volunteer effort by U.S. veterans to evacuate American citizens and Afghan allies after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.


5.    National Security Concerns:

·        The warning underscores broader concerns within U.S. security circles about potential terrorist activities, prompting a reassessment of domestic security measures.


6.    Public Reaction and Preparedness:

·        The statements by Mann are likely to fuel debates over national security policies and public preparedness for potential terrorist threats, urging authorities to remain vigilant.



Lt. Col. Scott Mann's warning about an impending terrorist attack in the U.S. reflects deep-seated concerns within veteran and security communities about the repercussions of recent policy decisions. The focus on Afghanistan and criticisms of Biden's administration underscore ongoing debates about counterterrorism strategies and protecting national security interests.


The "great flight": Attempts of mass escape of Ukrainians by any means from the country - Big problem in Odessa



Ukrainians now refuse to fight.


Objective Summary

Recent reports from Ukraine indicate a significant surge in attempts by Ukrainians, particularly men of military age, to flee the country amid ongoing conflict. Mass escape incidents have been observed in Odesa and other cities, with individuals paying substantial sums to smugglers for passage out of Ukraine. Concurrently, mass surrenders among Ukrainian soldiers have risen notably, highlighting widespread disillusionment with the war effort. The situation is exacerbated by arrests of bloggers accused of obstructing conscription efforts by revealing recruitment center locations online, particularly in Odessa.


Key Points

1.    Mass Escapes:

·        Multiple incidents involving groups of men attempting to escape Ukraine have been reported, including stops near the Odesa border, where individuals paid high fees to smugglers.


·        Ukrainian border guards have intercepted attempts, such as conscripts trying to cross into Moldova, indicating a growing desire among Ukrainians to avoid military service and the conflict altogether.


2.    Military Disillusionment:

·        Mass surrenders among Ukrainian soldiers have increased significantly, with notable instances of entire battalions refusing orders or surrendering, reflecting declining morale and confidence in the war effort.


·        This trend poses challenges for Ukrainian defense forces and impacts strategic planning, particularly in regions heavily affected by these surrenders.


3.    Civilian Disruption:

·        In Odesa, Ukrainian authorities have arrested bloggers accused of hindering conscription efforts by disclosing sensitive information online, such as the locations of recruitment centers and mobile team routes.


·        These actions were allegedly aimed at warning citizens and potential conscripts to avoid detection, underscoring resistance to mobilization efforts.


4.    Mobilization Measures:

·        Ukrainian authorities have intensified mobilization efforts across several regions, including Odesa, Kharkiv, Sumy, and Zaporizhia, adapting strategies to address evasion and enhance recruitment amid growing challenges.


·        The deployment of military commissars from Western Ukraine to support mobilization in other regions highlights strategic adjustments to manage local resistance and increase enlistment rates.


5.    Broader Implications:

·        The situation in Odessa, marked by both mass escape attempts and arrests related to conscription disruption, underscores the complexity of maintaining public support and military readiness amidst ongoing conflict.

·        These developments reflect broader societal divisions and challenges Ukrainian authorities face in navigating internal resistance and external pressures.



The escalating "great flight" of Ukrainians seeking to leave the country, coupled with rising military disillusionment and civilian resistance to conscription efforts, presents significant challenges for Kyiv. Addressing these issues is crucial for maintaining military effectiveness and public morale in the face of continued conflict and external pressures.


"Naval blockade" in Red and Suez: Russia sends a large load of anti-ship hypersonic missiles to Hezbollah, Houthi, and H. Haftar!


There will be significant attacks against ships.




Russia is reportedly sending anti-ship hypersonic missiles to groups such as Hezbollah, the Houthis in Yemen, and forces led by Khalifa Haftar in Libya. This move could lead to significant naval blockades in the Red Sea and around the Suez Canal, potentially escalating regional tensions and impacting global shipping routes.


Key Points

1.    Potential Blockade:

·        The shipment of missiles aims to enforce a naval blockade, especially by the Houthis, disrupting shipping lanes in the Red Sea.


·        Due to Houthi attacks, some ships have already rerouted from the Suez Canal.


2.    Military Implications:

·        Providing advanced missiles to these groups enhances their capability to target vessels, raising concerns among U.S. and NATO officials.


·        Russia's support may strengthen the "Axis of Resistance," involving Iran, Hezbollah, and other regional actors.


3.    Strategic Context:

·        The transfer of missiles is seen as part of Russia's broader strategy to counter U.S. and NATO presence, potentially retaliating for actions in Ukraine.


·        The involvement of hypersonic missiles adds a new layer of threat due to their speed and difficulty in intercepting.


4.    Regional Dynamics:

·        An Israeli conflict with Hezbollah could see increased Iranian and Russian support for Hezbollah.


·        Saudi Arabia's intervention delayed previous missile shipments, indicating diplomatic complexities.


5.    Libyan Connection:

·        Russia's arming of Haftar may be linked to establishing a naval base in Libya, increasing Russia's strategic footprint near Europe.


6.    Risks to Civilian Shipping:

·        The use of cruise missiles in busy commercial routes poses a risk to civilian vessels, complicating the security landscape in the region.


7.    U.S. and NATO Concerns:

·        The potential for these missiles to be used against Western and allied ships raises alarms about maritime security and freedom of navigation.


The delivery of hypersonic missiles to these groups represents a significant escalation in regional military dynamics, potentially affecting global shipping and security. The situation underscores the complex interplay of regional conflicts and global power competition.


Finland's Major National Security Crisis: Russian GRU Agents Into Water Systems – Preparatory Operations for 'Zero Hour'


Finland is now the No. 1 target - Russia has also entered the systems of France, the USA, and Poland.




Finland is facing a national security crisis with reports of Russian GRU agents breaching water systems. These incidents are part of a broader pattern of cyberattacks in Western countries, including the USA, France, and Poland. Finnish authorities have heightened security measures in response, viewing these breaches as part of Russia's potential hybrid warfare strategy.


Key Points:

1.    Security Breaches:

·        Two water treatment plants in Southern Finland were compromised.


·        Similar incidents were reported in Tampere, where facilities were breached but not tampered with.


2.    Russian GRU Involvement:

·        Russian agents are suspected of engaging in these cyber intrusions.


·        Similar attacks were reported in other Western countries, targeting critical infrastructure.


3.    Cybersecurity Warnings:

·        Finnish information security firms and international agencies highlight ongoing threats.


·        Increased vigilance in response to geopolitical tensions and potential hybrid warfare.


4.    NATO Context:

·        Finland's recent NATO membership is a factor in these attacks.


·        Speculations about Finland becoming a base for NATO operations against Russia.


5.    Previous Incidents:

·        Earlier cyberattacks in the U.S. and other countries, including an incident in Indiana.


·        Persistent threats to water and wastewater systems emphasized by U.S. officials.

6.    Hybrid Warfare Strategy:

·        Russia's actions were part of a broader strategy to test Western defenses.


·        Preparations for potential future conflicts in the Baltic region and Finland.


7.    Political Implications:

·        Discussion of Finland's strategic role in NATO and potential risks of escalation.


·        Concerns over Finland's integration into NATO and implications for national security.



The article highlights significant security concerns for Finland and other NATO countries, emphasizing the need for increased cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure from potential Russian cyber operations.


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