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NATO Casualties Ukraine China Talks Drone Strikes EU Tensions Israel Airstrikes India Greece Turkey

"Explosive Developments: NATO Casualties, Ukraine-China Talks, Drone Strikes, EU Tensions, Israel Airstrikes, Indian Navy Fire"

"50 dead NATO military advisers" - Russians showed a video of a strike against Westerners in Kharkiv.

"This will be the fate of all Westerners who find themselves on Ukrainian soil"!

Objective Summary

A recent missile strike by the Russian military on a base in the Kharkiv region resulted in the death of 50 NATO military advisers. The strike, carried out using an Iskander-M missile, targeted a temporary deployment point of Western trainers and mercenaries. The Russian Defense Ministry has released a video of the strike and issued a warning to Westerners present in Ukraine.

Key Points

1. Missile Strike and Casualties:

• An Iskander-M missile hit a base in Dergachi, Kharkiv.

• 50 NATO military advisers were killed.

2. Russian Statement and Video:

• Russia provided video evidence of the strike.

• A stern warning was issued to all Westerners in Ukraine.

3. Additional Strikes:

• The Nikolaev airport, set to host F-16s, was also targeted.

4. Foreign Mercenaries:

• Foreign mercenaries are actively fighting alongside Ukrainian forces.

• Russia has reported significant casualties among these mercenaries.

5. Warnings and Legal Status:

• The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly warned foreign citizens against traveling to Ukraine.

• Under international humanitarian law, mercenaries are not granted combatant or prisoner of war status.

6. Mercenary Statistics:

• Over 13,000 foreign mercenaries have arrived in Ukraine since the start of the conflict.

• Approximately 6,000 have been killed during this period.

Additional Key Points from Other Sources:

1. Missile Strike and Casualties:

• An Iskander-M missile struck a deployment center in Dergachi, Kharkiv.

• Approximately 50 Western instructors and mercenaries were killed.

2. Video Evidence and Warning:

• The Russian Defense Ministry shared a video of the strike.

• Moscow emphasized that any foreign military personnel in Ukraine are legitimate targets.

3. Previous Warnings:

• Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reiterated the lack of immunity for foreign instructors in Ukraine.

• The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) reported concerns about French casualties in Ukraine.

4. Historical Context:

• Similar strikes on foreign personnel have occurred previously, with significant casualties.

• Russian President Vladimir Putin highlighted the longstanding presence of Western military trainers in Ukraine under the guise of mercenaries.


The Russian missile strike on a base in the Kharkiv region has resulted in significant Western casualties, highlighting the risks faced by foreign military personnel in Ukraine. The incident underscores the ongoing tensions and the dangers involved for those participating in the conflict.

Significant development: The Ukrainian Foreign Minister visits China - "ways to end the war" will be discussed

Unusual journey

Objective Summary:

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is visiting China to discuss ways to end the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. This trip, which is at the invitation of Beijing, will involve talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on China's potential role in achieving peace and bilateral relations.

Key Points:

1. Visit Details:

• Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba's visit to China from July 23-25.

• Meetings with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

• Focus on ending Russian aggression and China's role in achieving peace.

2. Context and Timing:

• The visit occurs nearly 29 months after Russia invades Ukraine.

• China and Russia announced an "unconditional" partnership shortly before the invasion.

3. China's Position:

• China has not condemned the Russian invasion.

• China has supported the Russian economy during the war.

• The visit signals cautious engagement from Ukraine towards China.

4. Kremlin's Reaction:

• Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphasized the importance of Russia's relations with China.

• Stressed the strategic partnership between Russia and China.


The visit of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to China highlights a significant diplomatic effort to seek China's assistance in ending the war with Russia. Despite China's close ties with the Kremlin and its support for Russia, this trip reflects Ukraine's cautious yet strategic move to explore potential avenues for peace through diplomatic engagement with Beijing.

Russia: Ukrainian drone raid on Rosneft oil refinery in Krasnodar [vids]

Watch video

Objective Summary:

A Ukrainian drone raid targeted the Rosneft oil refinery in Tuapse, Krasnodar region, causing damage to the infrastructure. The fire caused by debris from a downed drone was controlled and extinguished, with no reported casualties. The refinery, frequently targeted since the war began, may have operational disruptions, though the extent is unclear. Russian air defense systems reportedly shot down 75 Ukrainian drones during the incident.

Key Points:

1. Drone Raid and Damage:

• A Ukrainian drone raid targeted the Rosneft oil refinery in Tuapse, Krasnodar.

• Debris from a downed drone caused a fire, which was controlled and extinguished.

• No casualties were reported; the operational status of the refinery is uncertain.

2. Defense Response:

• Russian air defense systems destroyed 75 Ukrainian drones.

• Specific counts included eight drones in Tuapse, 47 in Rostov, 17 over the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and one in Belgorod, Voronezh, and Smolensk.

3. Ongoing Target:

• The Tuapse refinery has been a frequent target of Ukrainian airstrikes since 2022.

4. Communication and Reporting:

• Local officials communicated damage and response efforts via Telegram.

• Russian authorities tend to limit disclosure of the full extent of damage from Ukrainian attacks.


The Ukrainian drone raid on the Rosneft oil refinery in Tuapse underscores the ongoing aerial conflict and the vulnerability of critical infrastructure in the region. While the immediate fire was contained without casualties, the raid highlights persistent threats and the significant defensive measures employed by Russian forces to mitigate such attacks.

Blackmail against Hungary and Slovakia: Ukraine closed the oil cannula through the Druzhba pipeline

Some want war in Europe...

Objective Summary:

Ukraine has halted the Druzhba pipeline, cutting off oil supplies to Hungary and Slovakia, significantly impacting their economies. This action violates Ukraine's obligations under the EU Association Agreement. The European Union's response has been passive, leading to accusations of orchestrated pressure by Brussels and Washington to force Hungary and Slovakia away from their peace efforts with Russia.

Key Points:

1. Pipeline Closure:

• Ukraine closed the Druzhba pipeline, affecting oil supplies to Hungary and Slovakia.

• This closure breaches the EU Association Agreement obligations.

2. Economic and Political Impact:

• The halt has significant economic repercussions for Hungary and Slovakia.

• Both countries are committed to peace negotiations, making them potential targets of this move.

3. Accusations of Orchestrated Pressure:

• There are claims that Brussels and Washington orchestrated this move to pressure Hungary and Slovakia.

• Ukraine and the EU are perceived as favoring prolongation of the conflict for a victory over Russia.

4. EU's Passive Response:

• The EU has not acted against Ukraine's breach of the agreement, raising questions about its stance.

• Silence from the EU is seen as tacit approval of Ukraine's actions, undermining confidence in EU institutions.

5. Political Maneuvering:

• Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been actively engaging in diplomacy for peace.

• The European Commission announced additional financial aid for Ukraine, which includes contributions from Hungary and Slovakia.


Ukraine's closure of the Druzhba pipeline, which affects Hungary and Slovakia, highlights significant geopolitical and economic tensions within the EU. The EU's passive response raises concerns about its commitment to member states and suggests possible orchestration to maintain a hardline stance against Russia. This situation underscores the complex interplay of national interests and broader EU strategies in the ongoing conflict.

They want more blood in the West: "Find 18-year-olds to fight the Russians"!

"The Ukrainians must recruit others."

Objective Summary:

Ukraine is facing significant military challenges as casualties mount, leading to increased pressure to recruit younger soldiers. President Zelensky is set to introduce bills to extend martial law and general conscription. This move reflects the dire situation on the front lines and the need for fresh troops.

Key Points:

1. Extension of Martial Law and Conscription:

• President Zelensky will introduce bills to extend martial law and general conscription.

• The Ukrainian parliament is expected to vote to extend martial law until November 9, 2024.

• Martial law is currently in effect until August 11, 2024.

2. Recruitment and Conscription Challenges:

• There is increasing pressure to conscript younger individuals, explicitly targeting 18- and 20-year-olds.

• Punitive measures, including asset confiscations, are being considered for those who refuse to update their information at local conscription offices.

3. Public Reaction and Internal Pressures:

• The extension of martial law and conscription efforts has caused significant public uproar.

• The situation highlights the division in Ukrainian society between those fighting on the front lines and those leading relatively everyday lives.

4. International Perspective:

• A former high-ranking American diplomat in NATO suggested that Ukraine must recruit younger soldiers, emphasizing that historically, wars are not fought by older individuals.


Ukraine is under severe strain as it faces mounting casualties in the conflict with Russia. In response, President Zelensky is pushing for extended martial law and broader conscription, targeting younger recruits. This move underscores the critical need for fresh troops and reflects the increasing desperation within the Ukrainian military strategy. Public discontent and the stark reality of the ongoing war continue to shape the nation's response and resilience.

EU state issues €6.5bn ultimatum to Ukraine.

Summary of Events:

1. Ukraine's Actions:

• Ukraine halted the flow of Russian oil through the Druzhba pipeline to Hungary and Slovakia.

• The stated reason was sanctions against Russian energy company Lukoil, impacting 30-40% of Hungary and Slovakia's oil needs.

2. Hungary's Response:

• Hungary announced it would block €6.5 billion of EU funds earmarked for Ukraine until oil transit resumes.

• Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto criticized Ukraine's move, calling it a threat to energy security inconsistent with Ukraine's EU aspirations.

3. Broader EU Reactions:

• Hungary's stance could affect EU-wide funds, with Poland expressing concerns over losing €2 billion needed for military modernization.

• EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and other EU members have been silent on Ukraine's aggressive measures despite the tension it causes within the EU.

4. Underlying Tensions:

• Ukraine's decision is seen as a strategy to pressure Hungary, which has resisted supporting Ukraine militarily and has pushed for peace negotiations with Russia.

• Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland previously aided Ukraine by providing electricity to stabilize its energy system.

Connection to Ukraine's Recruitment and Conscription:

The tensions between Ukraine and Hungary/Slovakia over the oil pipeline and EU funds reflect Ukraine's broader, intense internal and external pressure. Ukraine's actions to cut off oil flow and the subsequent diplomatic fallout highlight the critical need for resources and alliances as it battles Russia.


1. Military and Energy Security:

• Ukraine's internal struggle to maintain military efforts and recruit younger soldiers parallels its external efforts to secure necessary energy resources and political support.

• The halt of oil supplies demonstrates Ukraine's strategic leverage and risks alienating key EU partners.

2. Diplomatic Pressures:

• Hungary's blocking of EU funds as retaliation shows the fragility of support within the EU, influenced by each nation's immediate needs and political stances.

• The conscription challenges within Ukraine underscore the desperation and resource constraints driving such international maneuvers.

3. Impact on EU Unity:

• Ukraine's actions and the response from Hungary and Slovakia could deepen divisions within the EU, complicating collective efforts to support Ukraine against Russia.

• The interplay between military conscription, energy security, and diplomatic relations highlights the interconnectedness of Ukraine's internal and external crises.


The halt of oil through the Druzhba pipeline and the resulting diplomatic fallout with Hungary and Slovakia exemplify Ukraine's multifaceted pressures in its war efforts. This situation underscores the urgent need for resources and support, mirroring the domestic challenges of conscription and maintaining military strength against Russia. The interdependence of energy security and diplomatic alliances is critical in understanding Ukraine's strategies and the broader geopolitical implications.

EU may not be the right fit for Hungary, a member state.

EU's Collective Position:

1. Support for Ukraine:

• The EU has consistently provided military and financial support to Ukraine in response to Russia's invasion. This support is a defensive measure to uphold Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

2. Sanctions on Russia:

• The EU has imposed extensive sanctions on Russia to pressure Moscow into ceasing its aggression. These sanctions are part of a broader strategy to weaken Russia's ability to sustain its military operations in Ukraine.

3. Diplomatic Efforts:

• While supporting Ukraine militarily and financially, the EU also engages in diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict. However, these efforts are often criticized as insufficient or inconsistent.

Hungary's Divergence:

1. Hungary's Peace Initiative:

• Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has undertaken independent diplomatic efforts, meeting with leaders from Russia, China, and other key players to promote a peace resolution. This approach contrasts with the EU's collective strategy, which focuses more on supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression.

2. Internal Criticism:

• Hungary's actions have been criticized within the EU. Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen and other EU leaders have expressed concerns that Hungary's positions and actions do not align with the EU's official stance. The European Parliament condemned Orban's visits to Moscow as contrary to EU treaties and policies.

Objective Feedback on EU and Hungary:

1. EU's Official Line:

• The EU's official stance is not strictly "pro-war" but rather "pro-defense" of Ukraine. The bloc's support for Ukraine is meant to help the country defend itself against Russian aggression, with the ultimate goal of a peaceful resolution that respects Ukraine's sovereignty.

2. Hungary's Independent Approach:

• Hungary's attempts to broker peace independently highlight a significant divergence from the EU's collective approach. Hungary's stance is more aligned with immediate peace negotiations, even if it means engaging directly with Russia, which the broader EU views as potentially undermining collective efforts.

3. Implications of Divergence:

• The divergence in Hungary's actions creates tension within the EU. While Hungary advocates for peace talks, the EU's broader strategy involves military support for Ukraine to pressure Russia into negotiations from a position of strength. This internal conflict illustrates differing priorities and methods within the EU regarding the Ukraine conflict.


The EU's position involves supporting Ukraine through military and financial aid while seeking a diplomatic resolution. Hungary's independent peace mission, criticized by other EU members, underscores the complex dynamics within the bloc. The EU is committed to Ukraine's defense and sovereignty. Still, member states like Hungary emphasize immediate peace talks, reflecting a broader debate on the best path to resolving the conflict.

Israel: F-35, F-15, and F-16 pound Houthi targets in Yemen – Video of the attack

Israel carried out 20 raids.

Objective Summary:

The Israel Air Force (IAF) executed 20 airstrikes on the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah in western Yemen on Saturday. The strikes targeted large cranes, fuel depots, and energy infrastructure. The "Outstretched Arm" operation was conducted solely by Israel, with prior notification given to the US Central Command (CENTCOM). The operation involved F-35, F-15, and F-16 fighter jets and reconnaissance and aerial refueling aircraft, marking one of the IAF's most distant missions. The attack significantly impacted the Houthi economy and their ability to receive Iranian weapons.

Key Points:

1. Target and Execution:

• The IAF targeted the port of Hodeidah, focusing on cranes, fuel depots, and energy infrastructure.

• The operation involved F-35, F-15, and F-16 fighter jets, supported by surveillance and aerial refueling aircraft.

2. Operation Details:

• The operation was named "Outstretched Arm" and was one of the IAF's most distant missions, approximately 1,800 kilometers from Israel.

• The strikes were conducted solely by Israel, with no US military involvement, though CENTCOM was informed beforehand.

3. Impact and Consequences:

• The destruction of fuel depots dealt a significant blow to the Houthi economy.

• The targeted cranes prevented the import of Iranian weapons, which have been used against Israel and other targets in the Red Sea.

• Israel anticipates potential retaliation from the Houthis and other Iran-supported groups in the region.


The Israeli airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen represent a significant military operation aimed at disrupting the flow of Iranian weapons to the Houthis and crippling their economic capabilities. Conducted without direct US involvement but with prior notification, the operation highlights Israel's proactive stance in countering threats from regional adversaries. The strategic targeting of infrastructure critical to the Houthi economy and logistics underscores Israel's focus on long-term disruption of enemy capabilities. At the same time, the anticipation of retaliatory attacks suggests heightened readiness and ongoing regional tensions.

Indian Navy frigate INS Brahmaputra on fire – Sailor missing [vid]

The frigate is sinking.

Objective Summary:

The Indian Navy's frigate INS Brahmaputra suffered severe damage when a fire broke out during repairs at the Bombay Shipyard on July 21, 2024. The fire caused the ship to tilt, and it is currently sinking. While most personnel have been accounted for, one sailor is still missing. An official investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the accident.

Key Points:

1. Incident Details:

• The fire occurred on the evening of July 21, 2024, during repair works at the Bombay Shipyard.

• The fire caused significant damage, leading to the ship tilting and eventually sinking.

2. Response and Casualties:

• The ship's crew brought the fire under control with assistance from Bombay Shipyard firefighters and other ships in port by the morning of July 22, 2024.

• All personnel on board were accounted for except one sailor, for whom searches are ongoing.

3. Ship Details:

• INS Brahmaputra, commissioned on April 14, 2000, is the first indigenously built Brahmaputra-class guided missile frigates.

• The ship is designed for multi-role operations, including anti-submarine, anti-surface, and anti-air warfare.

4. Investigation:

• An official investigation has been initiated to determine the cause of the fire and assess the damage.


The fire aboard the INS Brahmaputra represents a significant loss for the Indian Navy, given the ship's multi-role capabilities and strategic importance. The incident underscores the inherent risks of ship repairs and the necessity for rigorous safety protocols. The ongoing investigation will be crucial in uncovering the cause and preventing future occurrences. The missing sailor's status remains a concern as efforts continue to locate them.

Navy helicopter fails after private maintenance - Dendias confirms the incident.

What does it say about the serious incident?

Objective Summary:

Greek Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias confirmed a serious incident involving a Navy helicopter that experienced severe vibrations after private maintenance. The problem, identified as a failure to reposition the propeller correctly, did not result in any immediate harm, but the matter is under investigation. Dendias assured that maintenance is conducted with strict adherence to technical standards.

Key Points:

1. Incident Details:

• The helicopter, after undergoing private maintenance, experienced strong vibrations during its initial flights in early June.

• Technicians discovered that the propeller had been incorrectly repositioned, leading to the malfunction.

2. Response:

• The helicopter returned safely to its base without dramatic consequences.

• Minister Dendias confirmed the incident and stated that the issue involved deviations from prescribed technical specifications by a private maintenance entity.

3. Investigation and Assurance:

• The incident is under investigation to determine the cause and ensure accountability.

• Dendias emphasized that all maintenance follows strict specifications and is conducted according to scientific and technical standards.


The incident highlights concerns about the quality of private maintenance services for military equipment. While the immediate safety was not compromised, the deviation from technical standards warrants a thorough investigation. Ensuring adherence to maintenance protocols is crucial to avoid similar issues and maintain the reliability of military assets.

Tensions have escalated between Greece and Turkey in the southern Aegean Sea, mainly south of Kasos, due to Turkish warships deploying in response to a Greek NAVTEX concerning an Italian ship laying cables for the electrical interconnection project between Crete and Cyprus. Turkey has issued an anti-NAVTEX, claiming part of the area as its continental shelf, and conducted airspace violations. The Greek Navy is on high alert, with its ships and Coast Guard monitoring the situation, while the Greek government seeks a diplomatic resolution.

Key Points:

1. Greek NAVTEX and Turkish Response: Greece issued a NAVTEX for the Italian ship "IEVOLI RELUME," working on the "Great Sea Interconnector-GSI" project. Turkey countered with an anti-NAVTEX and claimed the area south of Karpathos as part of its continental shelf.

2. Military Deployments: Turkey deployed multiple warships, including frigates and corvettes, and conducted airspace violations with helicopters and UAVs. In response, Greece deployed its frigate "Nikephoros Fokas," gunboat "Aettitos," and a Coast Guard patrol vessel.

3. Diplomatic Efforts: Greece is pursuing a diplomatic approach to de-escalate the situation, with efforts led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Greek government emphasizes the importance of dialogue while maintaining its sovereign rights.

4. Greek Government Stance: Government representative Pavlos Marinakis stressed that while Greece seeks dialogue, it remains firm on its sovereignty and rights within its territorial waters.

5. Turkish-Libyan Memorandum: Turkey's attempt to enforce the Turkish-Libyan memorandum in the area also influences the situation.


The southern Aegean is currently a hotspot of military and diplomatic activity, with Greece and Turkey deploying naval forces and engaging in aerial maneuvers. While Greece seeks to resolve the tensions diplomatically, it remains vigilant and prepared for further escalations. The international community's attention is drawn to the region due to the strategic and geopolitical implications of the ongoing dispute.

Link to Full Report:

Jared discussed recent global developments, including NATO casualties, Ukraine-China talks, drone strikes, EU tensions, Israeli airstrikes, and Indian Navy fires. He also highlighted the ongoing tensions between Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, and the European Union (EU) due to Ukraine's closure of the Druzhba pipeline and the EU's collective position in support of Ukraine in response to Russia's invasion. Lastly, he reported on military and naval activities, including Israeli airstrikes on Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen, the Indian Navy frigate INS Brahmaputra on fire – Sailor missing and catching fire, and the escalating tensions between Greece and Turkey in the southern Aegean Sea.

Global Developments and Ukraine-China Talks Time 0:00

Ukrainian Drone Raid on Russian Refinery Time 8:45

Tensions Between Ukraine, EU, and Hungary Time 12:11

Ukraine's Oil Pipeline Decision and Consequences Time 18:24

EU's Collective Position on Ukraine Conflict Time 22:43

Israel's 'Outstretched Arms' Airstrikes Discussed Time 26:23

Military and Naval Activities Update Time 29:16

In Christ, love Jared W. Campbell

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