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NATO Bypassing Possible 'TRUMP ELECTION"- World War III Could Only Be Months Away!!!

NATO bypassed a possible election of Trump in the USA: In 3 months, the "invasion" of NATO forces in Ukraine begins - Plan of lightning advance

NATO Bypasses a possible Trump election, Poland, Israel, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine & Bolivia

The article presents a detailed and provocative narrative regarding NATO's strategic maneuvers in Ukraine, suggesting a significant military escalation and political implications. Here's an objective commentary on the key points:

  1. NATO's Military Preparations: With a sense of urgency, NATO is reportedly planning a substantial deployment of forces in Ukraine, set to commence around late September or early October. This includes integrating various military assets such as F-16s, AWACS(Airborne-Warning and Control System, a modified Boeing 707 aircraft), and air defense systems to establish a robust anti-aircraft shield for NATO forces entering Ukraine.

  2. Request for Patriot Systems: NATO has requested multiple MIM-104D "Patriot" PAC-2/GEM+ systems from Israel, indicating a high level of preparation for the anticipated conflict.

  3. Creation of NSATU: The article highlights establishing the NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine (NSATU) mission, which will be based in Wiesbaden, Germany. This mission aims to coordinate military assistance and training for Ukrainian forces, showcasing NATO's long-term commitment to supporting Ukraine.

  4. Political Dimensions: The article discusses NATO's efforts to ensure that a potential Trump re-election does not hinder its plans. It suggests that NATO's current strategies are designed to bypass any changes in U.S. foreign policy that might arise from a Trump presidency.

  5. International Support: Numerous European countries, along with the U.S., have signed security agreements with Ukraine, pledging continuous military and economic support. This collective effort underscores a broad international commitment to Ukraine amidst its ongoing conflict with Russia.

  6. Training and Exercises: Ukrainian naval assets' participation in NATO exercises, such as Sea Breeze 2024, indicates a strengthening of operational capabilities and integration with NATO forces.

Strategic Goals: The Estonian Prime Minister and other NATO officials are clear about their strategic goals, emphasizing the need for a clear victory in the Ukrainian conflict. This reflects a more aggressive stance within the alliance. In summary, the article portrays an imminent and comprehensive NATO military intervention in Ukraine, coupled with extensive international support and a strategic focus on ensuring these plans remain unaffected by potential political changes in the U.S. However, it is essential to approach such claims cautiously and seek further verification from diverse sources to gain a complete and balanced understanding of the situation.

The die has been cast: Poland drafts 18-35-year-olds into the Army - NATO creates a new 700km "Mazino Line" and establishes "Schengen Military Zone."

The article outlines significant military and strategic developments in Poland and NATO's broader regional preparations in response to perceived threats from Russia. Here are the key points:

  1. Poland's Military Mobilization: According to Russian military sources, Poland has begun a "secret" mobilization effort to increase its military reserves by at least 120,000 to potentially 200,000 personnel. This initiative includes a summer program called "Holidays with the Army," Polish citizens aged 18 to 35 can receive 28 days of basic military training.

  2. Incentives for Recruits: Participants in the "Holidays with the Army" program are offered a stipend of 6,000 zlotys (over 1,430 Euros) for their service. The program is designed to bolster Poland's reserve forces and offers recruits the option to continue serving in the national defense after completing the training.

  3. Strategic Locations and Preparations: Training is conducted in 70 locations across Poland, including areas near the borders of Russia and Belarus. This highlights Poland's strategic focus on strengthening its defenses in regions most vulnerable to potential conflicts.

  4. NATO's Regional Strategy: NATO is reportedly creating a new 700km "Mazino Line" and establishing a "Schengen Military Zone," enhancing military coordination and rapid deployment capabilities within the alliance. This reflects a broader strategy to fortify NATO's eastern flank against potential aggression from Russia.

  5. Concerns Over Troop Availability: The article references concerns highlighted by the Financial Times about the shortage of military personnel in European NATO countries. Despite a nominal total of 1.9 million military personnel, analysts suggest that NATO could only realistically deploy around 300,000 troops in the event of a conflict with Russia.

  6. Romania's Role: Although the article does not detail Romania's specific actions, it suggests that Romania, like Poland, is playing a significant role in NATO's overall strategy to counter Russian threats.

The article emphasizes Poland's efforts to enhance its military readiness through increased mobilization and training programs, supported by broader NATO strategies to fortify defenses along its eastern borders. This narrative underscores the heightened state of alert and preparedness within NATO in response to the perceived threat from Russia.

Israel will attack Iran: "State of the Art Israeli missile passed Crete and fell off Malta," say the Russians (map)

"Our decision will affect the entire Middle East - Iran will have five atomic bombs in a month."

The article reports on heightened tensions in the Middle East, centering on Israel's potential preemptive strike against Iran due to its advancing nuclear program. Here are the key points:

  1. Israeli Missile Test: According to Russian sources, Israel conducted a test of a medium-range ballistic missile, which flew over Crete and fell into the sea near Malta, simulating a potential strike on Iran. The missile's range of about 1,800 kilometers is sufficient to reach Tehran.

  2. Iran's Nuclear Advancements: Iran is reportedly accelerating its nuclear program, potentially having the capacity to produce five atomic bombs within a month. This rapid development has heightened Israel's urgency to act.

  3. Military Preparations: Israel is conducting long-range strike exercises and has created an "Iranian sector of operation" amid fears that Iran might exploit current regional conflicts to advance its nuclear ambitions unnoticed.

  4. Diplomatic Efforts and U.S. Involvement: Israel is pushing for U.S. support against Iran while engaging in diplomatic talks to prepare for every possible scenario. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin emphasized diplomacy to avoid escalating into a regional war.

  5. Potential Regional Impact: Israel's Foreign Minister Gallant highlighted that any decision regarding Iran would significantly impact the entire Middle East. Plans for a possible attack on Lebanon have been approved amid ongoing clashes with Hezbollah.

  6. Preparations for Conflict: Israel is also preparing for potential wartime scenarios, including setting up emergency food supplies and exploring options for internet provision through Starlink in case of infrastructure damage.

In summary, the article highlights the escalating threat posed by Iran's nuclear advancements and Israel's preparations for a possible preemptive strike, underscoring the potential for significant regional conflict and the importance of diplomatic efforts to mitigate escalation.

Severing Diplomatic Relations: Russian Diplomats to Withdraw from U.S., E.U. - Kremlin Assassination Plot Revealed

NATO's seven-point plan to destabilize Russia!

The article highlights escalating tensions between Russia and the West, focusing on significant diplomatic and military developments. Here are the key points:

  1. Withdrawal of Russian Diplomats: The Kremlin announced the gradual withdrawal of Russian diplomats from the U.S. and certain E.U. countries due to deteriorating relations. This move is expected to lead to the complete severance of diplomatic ties and the closure of Russian diplomatic missions in these regions.

  2. Accusations Against the West: Russia cites continued hostile actions by the U.S., including arms procurement, acts of terrorism, intelligence collection, and destabilization plans as reasons for the diplomatic downgrades. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov emphasized the challenging environment for Russian embassies in Western countries.

  3. Reassessment of Nuclear Doctrine: Russia is reconsidering its nuclear doctrine in response to changing international conditions. This reassessment signals to the West the seriousness of Russia's stance on its national security interests, warning against dangerous provocations and illusions about nuclear conflict.

  4. Potential NATO Destabilization Plan: British media report that former Russian politicians in exile are preparing a plan to destabilize Russia, including the assassination of government officials, which they intend to present at the upcoming NATO summit. This plan also involves increased support for Ukraine and additional sanctions against Russia.

  5. Concerns Over Arms Production: Despite Western sanctions, Russia has significantly increased its production of military equipment, including missiles and artillery. Reports suggest that NATO might need to consider alternative strategies, as sanctions have not effectively disrupted Russian arms production.

  6. Regional Impact and Escalation Risks: Ryabkov warned that Western actions could provoke uncontrolled escalation, including nuclear conflict. He stressed that Russia is prepared to defend its security and national interests firmly.

In summary, the article underscores the deepening crisis between Russia and the West, marked by diplomatic withdrawals, potential changes in nuclear policy, and allegations of destabilization plans. These developments point to a highly volatile situation with significant risks of escalation and broader regional impacts.

Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of Turkey: "We are ready for the Third World War." - With Russia or NATO, will the "Confidential Neutral" be drafted?

The third official statement after V.Orban and A.Vucits

The recent declaration by Turkey's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense underscores the country's readiness for a potential global conflict, signaling significant geopolitical implications. Here are the key points:

  1. Readiness for World War III: Turkey has announced its preparedness for World War III, though it remains unclear whether it would align with NATO or Russia. The Turkish Ministry of Defense emphasized that the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) are equipped and ready for various scenarios.

  2. Defense and Security Plans: The Turkish Defense Ministry highlighted that the TAF continuously updates its defense and security plans based on current assessments. Turkey's military is dynamic, conducting operations globally and ensuring logistics and plans are tested and approved.

  3. Statements by Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan: Turkey's Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan, emphasized the seriousness of the potential for regional or global war. He criticized the international community, mainly European states and the U.S., for their support of Israel's actions in Gaza, suggesting these actions contribute to global instability.

  4. Strategic Ambiguity: The Turkish government's stance regarding its potential alliances in a global conflict remains ambiguous. The announcement hints at possible negotiations with Russia and NATO, indicating that Turkey might decide its stance based on future developments and exchanges.

  5. Operations in Iraq: Regarding operations in Iraq, the Turkish Defense Ministry clarified that local Iraqis, not Turkish forces, manage checkpoints in residential areas. Discussions with Iraq about establishing a Joint Operations Center are ongoing and progressing positively.

  6. Ongoing Fight Against FETO: The Turkish Armed Forces continue their efforts against the FETO (Gulenist) movement, with ongoing operations based on new evidence and intelligence. The fight against FETO remains a priority due to its significant impact on Turkish institutions.

In summary, Turkey's announcement of readiness for World War III and its strategic ambiguity regarding potential alliances marks a critical point in international relations. The country's dynamic military preparations and ongoing regional operations reflect its significant role and influence in the current geopolitical landscape.

Preparations are being made to intensify the attacks on Chasov Yar and Pokrovsk. The P79 highway is the "Key" to the recapture of Izium.

The situation on the Ukrainian fronts

The situation on the Ukrainian front remains volatile, with significant developments occurring across multiple regions. Here's a brief commentary highlighting the key points and essential details from the article:

Key Points and Highlights:

  1. Static Front in Kharkiv: Despite Ukrainian counterattacks, the Russian front in Kharkiv remains relatively unchanged. Ukrainian forces, specifically the "Khortisia" unit, are making efforts to push back in areas such as Lipiec, Glubokaye, and Staritsa, but progress is limited.

  2. Russian Tactics and Supply Management: Reports indicate that Russian forces have captured the Volchansk aggregate factory and are stockpiling supplies efficiently. With Russians attacking in small, well-supported groups, this tactic shift marks a departure from traditional Soviet-era mass army strategies.

  3. Intensified Attacks in Donetsk: Western experts and the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) note increased Russian activity in Donetsk aimed at depleting Ukrainian reserves. The Russians are achieving tactical successes by maintaining a high rate of attacks on the Toretsk-Horlivka axis.

  4. Upcoming Clashes in Chasov Yar and Pokrovsk: Analysts predict that Russian forces will intensify their attacks on Chasov Yar and Pokrovsk soon. This strategy aims to exploit the current Ukrainian focus on defending Kharkiv, preventing them from reallocating their best forces back to these fronts.

  5. Strategic Use of Bombing: Since June 22, the Russians have resumed heavy bombing in Kharkiv, including using FAB-3000 bombs. These efforts are part of a broader strategy to keep Ukrainian defenses stretched thin.

  6. Advances in Kharkiv and Lugansk: Russian troops are making headway in the eastern regions of Kharkiv and along the borders of the Lugansk region. Notable advances have been observed in areas such as Pischany, Novodyanoi, and several key locations around Kupyansk and Svatovo.

  7. Significance of the P79 Highway: The P79 highway remains a critical strategic asset. Control of this route is essential for both the Kupyansk-Borovaya axis and Borovaya-Izium, serving as a crucial supply line and a potential springboard for future operations.

Objective Summary:

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to see dynamic changes, particularly with Russian forces maintaining pressure on multiple fronts while adapting their tactics. The focus on Chasov Yar and Pokrovsk's intensified bombing campaigns and strategic advancements in Kharkiv and Lugansk underscores the Russians' systematic approach to weakening Ukrainian defenses. The strategic importance of the P79 highway highlights the broader implications of territorial control in the region. As both sides prepare for further escalation, the situation remains fluid and highly unpredictable.

"You are under arrest, my general!": How the coup was prevented in Bolivia (video)

From the attack on the presidential palace to the arrest of the mastermind

In Bolivia, a significant political drama unfolded as General Juan Jose Zuniga, head of the armed forces, was arrested after mobilizing troops and tanks outside the presidential palace, allegedly attempting to "restructure democracy." This incident was swiftly labeled a coup attempt by President Luis Arce, leading to Zuniga's dismissal and arrest on charges of terrorism and armed rebellion.

Key Points and Highlights:

  1. Mobilization of Forces: General Zuniga rallied military forces, including tanks, to Murillo Square outside the presidential palace, claiming to restructure democracy. This provocative move led to a tense standoff.

  2. Arrest and Charges: The General was arrested by Interior Secretary Johnny Aguilera while speaking to reporters. He faces serious charges, including terrorism and armed rebellion.

  3. President Arce's Response: President Arce vehemently denounced the actions as a coup attempt, emphasizing the need to respect democracy. He quickly dismissed Zuniga and appointed a new military command.

  4. Background and Motivations: Zuniga claimed he acted on Arce's orders to boost popularity, a statement refuted by the President. This incident highlights internal political tensions, especially given Zuniga's controversial remarks about arresting former President Evo Morales if he attempted another presidential run.

  5. Broader Political Context: The event underscores the division within Bolivia's ruling party, the Movement for Socialism (MAS), split between supporters of Arce and Morales. This internal conflict is intensifying as the 2025 elections approach.

  6. International Reactions: Leaders across Latin America, including Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil, called for democracy to be upheld. The U.N. and the U.S. expressed concern and are monitoring the situation closely.

  7. Public and Media Response: Following the military's withdrawal, President Arce addressed his supporters from the presidential palace, reaffirming the nation's commitment to democracy amidst rumors and political turbulence.

Objective Summary:

This incident in Bolivia highlights deep-seated political divisions and the fragility of its democratic institutions. General Zuniga's mobilization of military forces and subsequent arrest on severe charges point to significant tensions between different factions within the government and military. President Arce's swift dismissal of Zuniga and international calls for democratic stability reflect the critical nature of maintaining constitutional order in the face of potential coups. The situation remains pivotal for Bolivia's political landscape, with broader regional stability and governance implications.

Israel: Defense Minister threatens Lebanon will return to 'Stone Age' if war breaks out with Hezbollah

"The destruction will be very great."

In a recent statement, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant issued a stark warning regarding potential conflict with Hezbollah, indicating that any war would result in massive destruction, effectively sending Lebanon "back to the Stone Age." Gallant emphasized Israel's military capability to cause extensive damage but also stressed the preference for a diplomatic resolution to the ongoing crisis on the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Since the outbreak of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7, there have been almost daily clashes between the Israeli army and Hezbollah, which supports Hamas. During his visit to Washington, Gallant discussed various proposals for the governance of Gaza post-war with American officials, acknowledging that the process would be lengthy and complex.

Key Points:

  1. Severe Warning: Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned that a war with Hezbollah would lead to severe destruction in Lebanon.

  2. Preference for Diplomacy: Gallant indicated that the Israeli government prefers a diplomatic solution to the border crisis despite the harsh rhetoric.

  3. Ongoing Hostilities: The conflict has seen daily hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah since the war with Hamas began.

  4. Post-War Gaza Governance: Discussions in Washington included proposals for governing Gaza after the war, with Gallant noting the complexity and duration of this process.

Gallant's remarks underscore the high stakes and potential for significant escalation in the region while reflecting a desire to explore diplomatic avenues to prevent further conflict.

NATO bypassed a possible election of Trump in the USA: In 3 months, the "invasion" of NATO forces in Ukraine begins - Plan of lightning advance

Write-Up & Notes Link:

The die has been cast: Poland drafts 18-35-year-olds into the Army - NATO creates a new 700km "Mazino Line" and establishes "Schengen Military Zone."

Israel will attack Iran: "State of the Art Israeli missile passed Crete and fell off Malta," say the Russians (map)

"Our decision will affect the entire Middle East - Iran will have five atomic bombs in a month."

Severing Diplomatic Relations: Russian Diplomats to Withdraw from U.S., E.U. - Kremlin Assassination Plot Revealed

NATO's seven-point plan to destabilize Russia!

Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of Turkey: "We are ready for the Third World War." - With Russia or NATO, will the "Confidential Neutral" be drafted?

The third official statement after V.Orban and A.Vucits

Preparations are being made to intensify the attacks on Chasov Yar and Pokrovsk. The P79 highway is the "Key" to the recapture of Izium.

The situation on the Ukrainian fronts

"You are under arrest, my general!": How the coup was prevented in Bolivia (video)

From the attack on the presidential palace to the arrest of the mastermind

Israel: Defense Minister threatens Lebanon will return to 'Stone Age' if war breaks out with Hezbollah

"The destruction will be very great."

In Christ, love Jared W. Campbell

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