Hello 👋 everyone!
JPCE Watchdog News & Ricky Thomas Cain discuss the possible Ukraine 🇺🇦 / Russia 🇷🇺 conflict ceasefire and other International News Updates:
Ukraine's NATO Membership and Implications- Time 0:00
Ricky and Jared discussed the implications of a potential ceasefire in Ukraine. Ricky argued that Ukraine's constitution mandates its membership in NATO or any international agreement, which he believes puts Ukraine in a weak position. He also suggested that Ukraine's desire to join NATO could be seen as a middle finger to Europe, as the United States was founded by people fleeing Europe's old ideas. Jared agreed with Ricky's perspective, noting that Ukraine's potential membership in NATO could be a loss for Russia. They also discussed the possibility of a nationalist leader emerging in Ukraine, similar to a Trump figure, which could lead to an international backlash.
Cyclical Nature of History and Events - Time 9:29
Ricky and Jared discussed the cyclical nature of history and the repetition of events. They used the examples of the Boxer Rebellion in China and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to illustrate their point. Ricky suggested that countries often become too dependent and seek independence, leading to a cycle of compliance and non-compliance. Jared agreed with Ricky's perspective, noting that it felt like the same game with different actors. They concluded that understanding this cycle could help predict future events. However, the technical issues on Ricky's end briefly interrupted the conversation.
Ukrainian Reactions to Ceasefire and Georgia - Time 16:06
Ricky and Jared discussed the mixed reactions of Ukrainians toward the idea of a ceasefire. Ricky noted that some Ukrainians want the war to stop, while others believe it will only lead to more conflict. They also discussed the situation in Georgia, where protests have been reported, and Jared mentioned his interest in Patrick Lancaster's reports. Ricky expressed his opinion that Lancaster's reporting style is sometimes over the top but not wrong. They also touched on Americans supporting different sides in conflicts, using World War 2 as an example. Ricky shared a video about an American man who surrendered to the Ukrainian side after years of supporting the Russian side.
Experiences in Lugansk, Ukraine Conflict - Time 23:00
In the meeting, Ricky and Jared discussed their experiences in Lugansk, Ukraine, where they arrived to defend the rights of the Ukrainian people. They shared their observations and interactions with Russian acquaintances and discussed the impact of the conflict on the local population. They also shared comments from a video interview of a man involved in the conflict, with many expressing anger and disappointment at his actions. The conversation also touched on the use of weaponry by the separatists, with Jared questioning the source of the weapons and the man's involvement in the conflict.
Prokopiv's Actions and Consequences Discussed - Time 29:17
Jared discussed the actions of a man named Prokopiv, whose real name is Lee von Chol, who was involved in the 2014 war in Donbas and is the leader of the Luhansk Guard. Prokofiev was one of those who tore down the Ukrainian flag and raised the Russian one in 2014. He was captured in 2022 after deserting his military unit and was sent back to fight, resulting in the death of his entire group. Jared questioned Prokopiv's motivations and the consequences of his actions, emphasizing the difference between making a choice and breaking the laws of one's country.
Ukrainian Traitor, Loyalty, and Culture - Time 35:03
Jared and Ricky discussed a video about a Ukrainian traitor who collaborated with others to take over land and resources. They debated whether the man was a traitor, opportunist, or mercenary, with Ricky suggesting he was more of an opportunist. They also discussed the concept of loyalty, with Jared stating that his loyalty lies with Christ rather than a country. Ricky shared his experiences with Ukrainians, who were surprised by his knowledge of Ukrainian culture and history and how some Ukrainians react differently to conversations about their country.
Experiences, Observations, and Phone Issue - Time 41:17
Ricky and Jared discussed their experiences and observations. Ricky shared his thoughts on a video about Greece, highlighting the points made by the video's creator. He also mentioned a girl's concern over renting a hall for a gathering with her friends. On the other hand, Jared expressed his busy schedule and mentioned an issue with a conversation on his phone. The conversation ended with Ricky reassuring Jared about the problem.
Living Abroad and Social Disconnection - Time 46:56
Ricky and Jared discussed their experiences living abroad and the potential for others to consider doing the same. Jared shared his thoughts on the changing values and social dynamics in America, describing a sense of social loneliness and disconnection among people. He suggested that moving abroad could be viable for those feeling isolated or disillusioned with their current circumstances. Ricky agreed with Jared's observations and seemed to share his perspective.
Cost of Living in Foreign Countries - Time 51:27
Jared and Ricky discussed their experiences living in various countries and the cost of living in the US. Jared shared his experiences living in Greece, Thailand, and the Philippines, highlighting the lower cost of living and easier navigation of society in these countries. He also mentioned the challenges of returning to the US due to the higher cost of living and the difficulty of making friends as a foreigner. Ricky agreed with Jared's points and added his own experiences with the cost of living in the US, particularly about his disability benefits. Both agreed that the cost of living in the US is significantly higher than in many other countries and that having a good life with a lower income is possible in these countries.
Cost of Living in Thailand - Time 59:20
Ricky and Jared discussed living costs in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. Ricky mentioned that he is counted as an orphan in multiple systems, which affects his financial situation. Jared shared his experiences living in Thailand and the Philippines, highlighting the affordability of rent, food, and entertainment. He also suggested various activities and hobbies one could engage in, such as Muay Thai and gun ranges. Jared emphasized the importance of confidence and conversation skills when interacting with locals, particularly women.
Exploring New Perspectives and Assets - Time 1:04:12
Jared expressed his belief that Americans and other Westerners deserve more, particularly regarding their country's infrastructure and economic opportunities. He suggested that people should consider leaving their countries to explore different places, as this can provide a new perspective and potentially lead to personal growth. He also emphasized the importance of taking risks and accumulating assets, such as real estate or stocks, to secure one's financial future. Ricky agreed with Jared's points, particularly about the cost of living and the need to explore other places.
Traveling Abroad and Cultural Adaptation - Time 1:08:59
Jared and Ricky discussed their experiences and perspectives on traveling and living abroad. Jared shared his journey of leaving college to travel and eventually returning, emphasizing the importance of maintaining connections with one's home country. He also expressed his belief that the West is in decline and encouraged others to explore and enjoy different cultures. Ricky shared his own experiences of living in Ukraine and Poland, highlighting the importance of adapting to new environments and cutting ties with the control mechanisms of one's home country. Both agreed that the country's economic cycles could impact individuals and suggested that preparing for potential downturns is beneficial.
Reducing Expenses Through Local Purchases - Time 1:16:07- 1:23:24
Ricky shared his experience of significantly reducing his expenses by buying locally and spending money locally. He mentioned moving from Ukraine to Poland, where he found things 40 to 50% cheaper than Michigan. Ricky also shared his utility bills, which were significantly lower than he would have paid in Michigan. He explained that his electric bill was $10, his water bill was $25, and his gas bill was $9. Jared expressed dissatisfaction with his utility bills, which were much higher than Ricky's. Despite having to leave the conversation early, Jared thanked Ricky for sharing his perspective.
In Christ, love ❤️ Jared W Campbell