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🔴"Is Trump Shifting Towards Ukraine? Disillusionment with 2024 Candidates & Russian Retaliation"🔴

"Is Trump Shifting Towards Ukraine? Disillusionment with 2024 Candidates & Russian Retaliation"


In the wake of ongoing geopolitical tensions, the 2024 U.S. presidential race is heating up, with potential implications for international support in the Ukraine conflict. Republican candidate Donald Trump appears to be under pressure to adopt a more pro-Ukrainian stance as he faces off against Vice President Kamala Harris. However, are these efforts genuine or merely a political maneuver in a tight race? This video delves into the pro-Ukraine lobbying efforts pushing for Trump's pivot while critically examining the growing disillusionment with both political parties in America. Additionally, we'll provide an objective breakdown of recent developments, including Russian reinforcements responding to Ukrainian cross-border attacks and estimates of losses following a failed incursion. Join us as we unpack the complexities of the 2024 election landscape, the stakes for Ukraine, and the broader implications for U.S. foreign policy.

Pro-Ukraine lobbying efforts bet on Trump's pivot to look tough on Putin.

Republican presidential candidate may pivot to a more pro-Ukrainian position in a tightened race against Kamala Harris.

  1. Context:

  • Trump's Potential Pivot: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may adopt a more pro-Ukrainian stance to strengthen his position against Democratic opponent Kamala Harris.

  • Kellyanne Conway's Role: Conway, Trump's former campaign manager, has been hired by Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk to lobby U.S. lawmakers and opinion makers in favor of Ukraine.

  1. Lobbying Efforts:

  • Disclosure Details: The U.S. Justice Department disclosure reveals Conway's $50,000 monthly contract to promote Ukraine's importance to U.S. lawmakers and the public.

  • Goals: The lobbying emphasizes Ukraine's role in the rules-based international order and its fight against Russian aggression.

  1. Trump's Historical Stance:

  • Past Relations: Trump has been known for his favorable approach to strongman leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  • Recent Criticism: Despite his history, Trump criticized President Biden for a recent prisoner exchange with Russia, portraying it as a weak deal.

  1. Political Strategy:

  • Upcoming Election: The U.S. presidential election is approaching, and Trump will face Kamala Harris following President Biden's decision not to seek re-election.

  • Voter Appeal: Trump may shift his position to attract both isolationist and moderate voters who support aid to Ukraine, mainly targeting swing states with significant Ukrainian and East European populations.

  1. Republican Party Dynamics:

  • Internal Struggle: There is a divide within the Republican Party on how to approach the Ukraine war, balancing between isolationists and those advocating a harder line on Russia.

  • Peace Deal Opinions: Some Republicans favor a deal on Russia's terms, while others believe such a deal would be seen as a defeat for Trump unless it considers Ukraine's interests.

Critical Points

  1. Impact on Trump's Campaign:

  • Strengthening Image: By adopting a tougher stance on Russia, Trump aims to present himself as a more decisive leader, potentially boosting his campaign against Harris.

  • Voter Base Expansion: Shifting towards a pro-Ukrainian stance could help Trump gain support from moderate voters and diaspora communities in crucial swing states.

  1. Role of Lobbying:

  • Influence on Policy: Kellyanne Conway's lobbying efforts could significantly influence U.S. lawmakers and public opinion, shaping the discourse around U.S. support for Ukraine.

  • Financial Backing: Ukrainian interests' substantial monthly payment for Conway's services highlights their importance in this lobbying effort.

  1. Republican Party's Position:

  • Balancing Act: Trump needs to navigate the internal Republican divide, balancing the isolationist faction with those advocating for a stronger stance against Russia.

  • Strategic Decisions: Trump's direction could impact Republican foreign policy and national security strategy.

  1. Geopolitical Implications:

  • U.S.-Russia Relations: A shift in Trump's stance could alter the dynamics of U.S.-Russia relations, especially regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

  • NATO and European Security: Increased U.S. support for Ukraine would reaffirm NATO's commitment to European security and could lead to further tensions with Russia.

  1. Electoral Influence:

  • Swing States Focus: Targeting swing states with significant Ukrainian and East European populations could be crucial for Trump's electoral strategy.

  • Defense Contracts: The economic benefits from U.S. defense contracts in these states also help garner local support for a pro-Ukraine stance.

Objective Breakdown

  1. Pro-Ukrainian Lobbying Efforts:

  • Kellyanne Conway's Involvement: Conway, a former advisor to Trump, has registered as a lobbyist to persuade Trump's team to support Ukraine.

  • Viktor Pinchuk's Role: Ukrainian oligarch Pinchuk hired Conway and plans to invite her to the Yalta European Conference, where she is expected to meet Ukrainian leadership, including President Volodymyr Zelensky.

  1. Key Figures Advocating for Ukraine:

  • Mike Pompeo and David Urban: Both former Trump administration officials advocate for a robust pro-Ukrainian stance. They published an op-ed claiming Trump would support Ukraine if re-elected.

  • Steven Moore, founder of the Ukraine Freedom Project, has pushed for further American support for Ukraine and views Pompeo's advocacy as a positive sign for Ukraine.

  1. Republican Endorsements:

  • Kurt Volker: Former U.S. special representative for Ukraine negotiations, Volker argues that failing Ukraine would be seen as a weakness, similar to the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.

  • Mike Turner, Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, supports Ukraine's right to strike military targets in Russia.

  • Lindsey Graham: U.S. Senator advocates for providing Ukraine with more long-range rockets.

  1. Trump's Historical Context:

  • Arms to Ukraine: In 2017, Trump lifted the Obama administration's arms embargo on Ukraine, providing Javelin missiles.

  • Mixed Signals: Despite past cozying up to Putin, Trump criticized Biden's prisoner exchange with Russia, portraying himself as a stronger deal-maker.

  1. Internal Republican Party Dynamics:

  • Isolationists vs. Reaganites: There is a divide within the party, with some favoring a peace deal on Russia's terms and others pushing for a stronger stance against Russia.

  • Efforts to Moderate: Republicans are adjusting their rhetoric to appeal to a broader electorate, moving away from extreme anti-Ukrainian positions.

  1. Electoral Strategy:

  • Swing State Focus: A pro-Ukrainian stance could help attract moderate voters and diaspora communities in crucial swing states.

  • Balancing Act: Trump's potential pivot aims to appeal to isolationist and moderate factions within the Republican Party.

Critical Points

  1. Effectiveness of Lobbying:

  • Conway's Role: Her involvement indicates a strategic effort to influence Trump's team. Success would depend on Conway's ability to shift Trump's stance and align it with Ukraine's interests.

  • Financial Backing: The substantial contract highlights the importance and intensity of the lobbying effort.

  1. Republican Party's Position:

  • Internal Conflict: Navigating between isolationists and Reaganites within the party will be crucial for Trump. A balanced approach is necessary to maintain party unity and appeal to the electorate.

  • Policy Implications: A shift towards a more pro-Ukrainian policy could redefine Republican foreign policy and influence the broader strategic stance of the party.

  1. Impact on Trump's Campaign:

  • Strengthening Image: Projecting strength against Russia and supporting Ukraine could bolster Trump's image as a decisive leader, potentially swaying undecided and moderate voters.

  • Criticism and Support: While some within Trump's camp support a pro-Ukrainian shift, there is also significant backlash, notably from isolationists and figures like Donald Trump Jr.

  1. Electoral Influence:

  • Swing States: Pro-Ukrainian rhetoric could resonate in crucial swing states with significant Ukrainian and East European populations, potentially influencing the election outcome.

  • Economic Factors: Defense contracts in these states could further bolster local support for a pro-Ukraine stance.

  1. Geopolitical Implications:

  • U.S.-Russia Relations: A stronger pro-Ukraine stance by Trump could lead to increased tensions with Russia and a redefined U.S. foreign policy.

  • European Security: Reinforcing support for Ukraine aligns with broader NATO and European security interests, potentially affecting international alliances and defense strategies.

False Hopes for Trump Pivot?

  1. Skepticism on Trump's Support for Ukraine:

  • Brian Bonner's View: Bonner, a Democrat and former chief editor of the Kyiv Post, asserts that it's unrealistic to expect Trump to support Ukraine more than his Democratic rivals vigorously. He believes Trump is more aligned with the Kremlin despite some pro-Ukrainian Republicans in the party.

  • Reno Domenico's Perspective: Domenico, head of Democrats Abroad in Ukraine, supports this skepticism, highlighting past actions where Trump's allies blocked substantial U.S. aid for Ukraine. He warns that a Trump victory could lead to Ukraine's dismemberment.

  1. Republican Dynamics:

  • Jonathan Katz's Analysis: Katz, a national security expert, points out that while there is Republican support for Ukraine, it is not from the faction aligned with Trump. He emphasizes that any pro-Ukrainian strategy outlined by Republicans does not reflect Trump's stance.

  1. Kamala Harris' Position on Ukraine:

  • Consistent Support: Harris has a strong record of supporting military aid for Ukraine and upholding the country's territorial integrity.

  • Electoral Performance: Harris performs better than Trump in opinion polls, suggesting her nomination might influence Trump's policies to appeal to moderates.

  • Kyrylo Demchenko's Insight: Demchenko, Ukraine's youth delegate at the U.N., believes Harris' nomination forces Trump to appeal to a broader electorate, including moderates who support international aid for Ukraine.

  1. Comparing Candidate Positions:

  • Democratic Energization: Harris' nomination has energized the Democratic Party, which hopes she will strengthen support for Kyiv and potentially surpass Biden's incremental aid approach.

  • Public Perception: Steven Humphreys argues that public support for Ukraine has waned under Biden but believes Harris, with her prosecutorial background, could effectively make the case for more substantial support.

  1. Strategic Recommendations for Ukraine:

  • Bipartisan Approach: Volodymyr Aryev, a Ukrainian lawmaker, emphasizes the need for Ukraine to maintain bipartisan support in the U.S. He advises against Ukraine backing any specific U.S. candidate to avoid difficulties if the other side wins.

Critical Points

  1. Realistic Expectations:

  • Trump's Alignment: Skeptics argue that Trump's historical behavior and current alignment suggest a closer affinity with Kremlin interests rather than a solid pro-Ukrainian stance.

  1. Republican Party Dynamics:

  • Internal Divisions: The Republican Party is divided between isolationists and hawks. Trump's stance may not align with the party's more hawkish, pro-Ukrainian elements.

  1. Electoral Impact:

  • Harris' Influence: Harris' nomination could force Trump to moderate his stance to attract a broader electorate. This may lead to a more nuanced approach rather than a dramatic pivot.

  1. Bipartisan Diplomacy:

  • Ukraine's Strategy: Ukraine must engage with both parties in the U.S. and avoid overtly supporting one side to ensure continued support regardless of the election outcome.

  1. Policy Implications:

  • Potential Shifts: While some believe Harris could devise more robust policies for Ukraine, it remains to be seen if she will make significant changes, such as lifting restrictions on U.S. weapons against Russia.

Objective Commentary on Disillusionment with Both Parties

Many observers and stakeholders express a sense of disillusionment with both Republican and Democratic approaches to supporting Ukraine, highlighting a perceived lack of meaningful differences between candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in terms of their potential policies toward the conflict. Here is an objective commentary on this sentiment:

  1. Disillusionment with Political Promises:

  • Lack of Trust: Some are growing disillusioned that both major U.S. political parties still need to deliver consistent and robust support for Ukraine. This disillusionment stems from perceived empty promises and political maneuvering that prioritize electoral gains over genuine international commitments.

  • Brian Bonner's Perspective: Bonner argues that expecting Trump to support Ukraine vigorously is unrealistic. He suggests that Trump's alignment with the Kremlin and his past actions indicate a lack of genuine commitment to Ukraine's cause.

  1. Republican and Democratic Stances:

  • Republican Skepticism: Despite some Republicans advocating for more robust support for Ukraine, the dominant isolationist wing of the party, represented by figures like Trump, has often hindered substantial aid. This has led to skepticism about the party's overall reliability as a partner for Ukraine.

  • Democratic Incrementalism: Democrats, under Biden and potentially Harris, have faced criticism for the slow and incremental pace of military aid to Ukraine. Critics argue that Biden's administration needs to build public solid enthusiasm and has imposed restrictions that limit Ukraine's ability to counter Russian aggression effectively.

  1. Electoral Strategies and Realpolitik:

  • Political Calculations: Both Trump and Harris are seen as tailoring their positions to appeal to different voter bases. Some view Trump's recent hints at supporting Ukraine more robustly as a strategic pivot to attract moderate voters rather than a genuine policy shift.

  • Kamala Harris' Campaign: While maintaining a firm stance on Ukraine, Harris is also seen as adjusting her campaign to secure moderate support. This could lead to continuity rather than significant policy changes if she wins.

  1. Bipartisan Engagement:

  • Ukrainian Strategy: Volodymyr Aryev and other Ukrainian officials emphasize the importance of engaging with both parties in the U.S. to ensure continued support. They caution against Ukraine backing any particular U.S. candidate to avoid alienating future administrations.

  • Cautious Optimism: While some pro-Ukrainian advocates in the U.S. see potential in figures like Mike Pompeo and other Republicans for more substantial support, this optimism is tempered by the reality of internal party divisions and the overarching influence of Trump's isolationist rhetoric.

  1. Realistic Outcomes:

  • Potential Continuities: Observers like Jonathan Katz highlight that any future Trump administration will likely include few national security experts who strongly support Ukraine, suggesting that substantial policy shifts are improbable.

  • Harris' Incremental Changes: Harris is expected to maintain Biden's Ukraine policies, hoping for minor adjustments rather than a significant overhaul. Her potential presidency is seen as continuing the current cautious approach rather than adopting a more aggressive stance.


The sense of disillusionment with both Republicans and Democrats reflects a broader frustration with the perceived lack of significant policy differences and meaningful support for Ukraine. While both parties and their candidates make strategic adjustments to appeal to voters, many stakeholders feel these changes are more about political maneuvering than genuine commitments to Ukraine's defense and sovereignty. As a result, Ukrainian officials have taken a cautious approach to engaging with both sides, recognizing the complexities and uncertainties of U.S. political dynamics.

Objective Commentary: Disillusionment with the 2024 U.S. Presidential Candidates

Observing the current political landscape, I feel profoundly disillusioned with the Republican and Democratic candidates in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. The choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris feels like a choice between two deeply flawed individuals, neither of whom inspires confidence or aligns with my values.

  1. Disillusionment with Political Figures:

  • Donald Trump: Any chance of me voting for Trump has entirely evaporated. His history of questionable personal conduct and his support for the bump stock ban is doubtful to me as a faithful 2A supporter, coupled with a lack of clear and consistent policy direction, especially regarding foreign policy and support for Ukraine, has left me feeling betrayed. I do not support Ukraine, and watching Trump's recent posturing to appear tougher on Russia and supportive of Ukraine seems more like a strategic pivot to win votes rather than a genuine shift in policy. His past cozying up to authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin only reinforces my skepticism.

  • Kamala Harris: On the other hand, Kamala Harris represents the polar opposite on the political spectrum, and her policies and political history are even less appealing to me. Harris has consistently supported liberal policies I disagree with, and her stance on international issues does not inspire confidence. The idea of her leading the country is troubling.

  1. Lack of Genuine Leadership:

  • Political Expediency: Both candidates are driven by political expediency rather than genuine conviction. Trump's recent claims of potential support for Ukraine are more than an attempt to secure moderate votes in crucial swing states rather than a principled stand on international relations. Similarly, Harris' expected continuation of Biden's incremental support for Ukraine lacks the decisiveness and clarity needed in a leader.

  • Manipulative Strategies: The involvement of figures like Kellyanne Conway lobbying for Ukrainian interests within Trump's camp underscores the manipulative strategies. It is hard to see these efforts as anything other than political theater aimed at swaying public opinion rather than reflecting a genuine commitment to any cause.

  1. Critical View on Election Choices:

  • Deep Discontent: As someone who once supported Trump, I now find myself agreeing with a sentiment expressed by a person I follow closely: America's choice has come down to a man who used to buy prostitutes and to a woman who used to be one. This blunt assessment encapsulates my deep discontent with the current state of American politics.

  • Moral and Ethical Concerns: Both candidates fall short of the moral and ethical standards required for the presidency. Trump's past indiscretions and Harris' political career, which many see as opportunistic, leave me with no viable option. This election feels like a lose-lose scenario, where the integrity and values I hold dear are absent from both major candidates.

  1. Conclusion:

  • Choosing Between the Lesser Evils: The 2024 presidential election forces voters to choose between the lesser of two evils. Neither Trump nor Harris offers the leadership, vision, or moral clarity that America desperately needs. This sense of being deceived by both parties, with no difference between the candidates, is disheartening.

  • Looking for Alternatives: I am disillusioned with both major parties and compelled to look for alternatives that align more closely with my values and offer genuine leadership. The current political system's failure to produce candidates worthy of the presidency reflects a broader crisis in American politics.

The upcoming election presents a grim choice between two deeply flawed candidates, leaving many voters, including myself, feeling betrayed and disillusioned. Trump and Harris's political maneuvering, lack of genuine leadership, and moral compromises underscore the need for a significant change in the American political landscape.

Objective BreakdownRussia Dispatches Reinforcements to Tackle Ukrainian Cross-Border Attacks in Kursk Region

According to Russia's Ministry of Defense, 300 troops from Ukraine's 22nd Mechanized Brigade, supported by 11 tanks and over 20 armored vehicles, attacked Russian border positions on August 6.

  1. Event Description:

  • Attack Date and Location: On August 6, Ukrainian forces attacked Russian border positions in the Kursk region, specifically near the settlements of Nikolaevo-Darino and Oleshnya.

  • Forces Involved: Up to 300 troops from Ukraine's 22nd Mechanized Brigade were involved in the attack, supported by 11 tanks and over 20 armored vehicles.

  1. Russian Response:

  • Combat Status: The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed ongoing active combat in the Kursk region and is sending reinforcements to repel the attack.

  • Aviation Deployment: Russian army aviation is actively targeting enemy armored vehicles.

  • Movement of Reserves: Russian reserves are moving into the conflict zone to support the defense.

  1. Local Media and Video Reports:

  • Sudzhansky District: Videos show fighter aircraft and burning vehicles in the Sudzhansky district of the Kursk region.

  • Governor's Statement: Acting governor Alexei Smirnov confirmed attempts to penetrate the Sudzhansky and Korenevsky districts, which were repelled by Russian forces.

  1. Media and Public Statements:

  • Z Bloggers and Local Media: Clashes were reported along several border sections, indicating ongoing battles and temporary breaches by small Ukrainian units.

  • Propaganda and Morale: Reports suggest Kyiv might aim to create a media event similar to previous incursions in the Belgorod region.

  1. Ukrainian Response:

  • Lack of Official Comment: Ukraine's General Staff has not commented on the incident.

  • Civilian Alerts: Oleksiy Drozdenko, head of the Sumy region military administration, advised residents to heed air raid alerts.

  1. Historical Context:

  • Previous Breaches: Multiple previous attempts to breach the border in the Kursk and Belgorod regions by pro-Ukrainian units.

Critical Points

  1. Significance of the Attack:

  • Escalation in Conflict: This attack marks a significant escalation, with a sizable force and substantial equipment involved, indicating a potential shift in tactics by Ukrainian troops.

  • Strategic Objectives: The goal may destabilize Russian border security and draw Russian resources away from other fronts.

  1. Russian Reinforcement and Defense:

  • Military Reinforcements: Russia's quick response with reinforcements suggests preparedness and the importance of maintaining control over border regions.

  • Use of Aviation: Effective deployment of army aviation highlights the critical role of air support in repelling ground assaults.

  1. Media and Propaganda:

  • Information Warfare: Both sides engage in information warfare, with reports and videos to shape public perception and morale.

  • Unverified Content: The authenticity of some reports and videos still needs to be verified, indicating the challenges of discerning accurate information in conflict zones.

  1. Civilian Impact:

  • Air Raid Alerts: The incident's impact on civilians in border regions, with calls for heightened alertness and preparedness, underscores the broader human cost of the conflict.

  1. Geopolitical Implications:

  • Regional Stability: Continued cross-border attacks could further destabilize the region and attract additional international attention and potential involvement.

  • Strategic Shifts: The attack might signal a strategic shift in Ukrainian operations, potentially leading to new phases in the conflict with different focal points.

Objective Breakdown and Critical Points: Russian Estimates of Ukrainian Losses in Failed Incursion

Summary of Events

  1. Incident Description:

  • Date and Location: The incursion occurred on Tuesday morning in the area of Nikolayevo-Daryino and Oleshnya, along the Russia-Ukraine border.

  • Forces Involved: Ukrainian forces numbered approximately 300 soldiers from the 22nd Mechanized Brigade, supported by 11 tanks and 20 other armored vehicles.

  • Initial Actions: Ukrainian forces launched artillery and drone strikes before attempting the crossing.

  1. Russian Response:

  • Military Actions: Russian operational-tactical and attack aviation, along with artillery, struck Ukrainian personnel and equipment in various locations within the Sumy Region, including Basovka, Zhuravka, Khoten, Yunakovka, Belovody, and Khrapovshchina.

  • Reported Losses: According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian forces lost:

  • Six tanks

  • Two infantry fighting vehicles

  • Four armored personnel carriers

  • Three armored cars

  • One mine-clearing engineering vehicle

  1. Casualties and Damage:

  • Ukrainian Losses: Unconfirmed reports suggest at least 20 Ukrainian casualties.

  • Russian Civilian Impact: At least two Russian civilians were killed, and more than a dozen were injured, including four children, primarily due to Ukrainian artillery and drone strikes in the town of Sudzha.

Critical Points for Analysis

  1. Verification and Propaganda:

  • Source Reliability: The information comes from the Russian Defense Ministry and local media, sources which may have biases or propagate certain narratives. Independent verification is crucial for an accurate assessment.

  • Potential Bias: Russia might exaggerate Ukrainian losses or the success of their defensive actions to maintain domestic support and international narrative control.

  1. Military Tactics and Outcomes:

  • Ukrainian Strategy: The combined arms approach (artillery, drones, mechanized infantry) indicates a coordinated effort, although it ultimately failed. Analyzing why it failed (e.g., intelligence errors, tactical missteps) is essential for understanding the broader conflict dynamics.

  • Russian Defense: The effective use of air and artillery strikes by Russian forces showcases their preparedness and ability to repel significant incursions. Evaluating the efficiency and precision of these strikes can offer insights into Russia's current military capabilities.

  1. Humanitarian Impact:

  • Civilian Casualties: The death and injury of Russian civilians highlight the broader humanitarian toll of the conflict, affecting non-combatants and critical infrastructure.

  • Infrastructure Damage: Sudzha's crucial junction on the Druzhba pipeline suggests potential economic implications, given the strategic importance of energy infrastructure.

  1. Strategic Implications:

  • Cross-Border Tensions: This incident underscores the escalating tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border, with significant military engagements spilling over into what Russia considers its territory.

  • Future Operations: The failure of this Ukrainian incursion might impact future military strategies and operational planning on both sides. It could lead to adjustments in tactics, force deployments, and engagement rules.

  1. Broader Conflict Context:

  • Ongoing Conflict: This incursion is part of the more significant conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has seen fluctuating intensity levels and numerous such skirmishes and engagements.

  • International Reactions: How this incident is perceived and reported internationally can influence diplomatic stances and support for either side. It might affect future aid, sanctions, or diplomatic negotiations.


The reported failed Ukrainian incursion into Russia's Kursk Region, with significant losses of personnel and armored vehicles, highlights the ongoing intensity and complexity of the conflict. The effectiveness of Russian defensive measures, the impact on civilians, and the strategic ramifications underscore the critical nature of this engagement. Independent verification and deeper analysis are necessary to fully understand the implications and truth behind the reported figures and outcomes.

Link to Full Report:

In Christ, love Jared W. Campbell

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