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DAY 93: "CONFESSION" (James 5:16)- "Is a Private Confession of Sins to God Biblical?"

Writer's picture: jaredcampbell31jaredcampbell31

Good morning, my brothers and sisters in Christ.


He emphasized the role of the Church in facilitating healing through acts of faith like confession and intercessory prayer. He clarified misconceptions about the part of the Church and its sacraments.

The Power of Confession: Hidden Sins, Hindered Prayer - (Time 0:00)

He quoted James 5:16, which advises that confessing sins to each other can lead to healing. Jared emphasized that confession should be made with painful honesty, specifically identifying one's sins and not hiding behind generalities. He also noted that unconfessed sin can hinder one's prayer life. Jared ended the discussion with a reading from James 5:16-18, which illustrates the power of prayer through the story of Elijah.

Jared's Theology Discussion on Confession and Church - (Time 5:20)

Jared discussed his experiences at Bushnell University, where he is studying theology. He discussed confessing sins before God with a priest present as an advocate, citing biblical references. He mentioned how this practice evolved from the whole community revealing to the entire Church, a priest who also represents the people. Jared emphasized the importance of the Church in healing through acts of faith such as confession and intercessory prayer. He also addressed a common misinterpretation of the verse in First Timothy, chapter 2, verse 5, clarifying that the One Mediator is not meant to negate the role of the Church or its sacraments.

Jesus' Church on the Rock of Faith - (Time 9:06)

Jared discussed the biblical passage from Matthew, chapter 16, verse 18, where Jesus establishes his Church on the rock of Peter's confession. He explained that the 'rock' is a play on words in both Aramaic and Greek, referring to Petros-petra. Jared emphasized that the actual rock is Christ, as stated in First Corinthians, chapter 10, verse 4. He concluded by explaining that the Church is built on the faithful confession of Christ.

Prayer and Confession: Jared's Discourse - (Time 11:45)

Jared discussed the importance and personal nature of prayer, referencing Matthew 6:5-8 and 1 Corinthians 2:9. He also mentioned the importance of confessing sins to one another, citing Psalm 51. Jared closed the meeting with a prayer, invoking the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

In Christ, love Jared

Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you;

25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.” ’

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