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DAY 4: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels - Close out Message about “FREE WILL” & Our Hearts

Writer's picture: jaredcampbell31jaredcampbell31

Good evening. Great is His faithfulness.

The Wilderness Temptation of Jesus- Blended readings- Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; & Luke 4:1-13

My teaching video commentary goes into my detail about these readings. These passages here in scripture are teaching us we have two choices we can either choose sin or choose to serve God, but can not do both at the same time. To be in full step with God one must first seek their treasures in heaven, and love God with all of their heart, mind, soul and strength, deny yourself, by bearing our own cross like Christ. We must learn to be fully dependent on God and nothing else, just like the israelites had to do when they were wondering the desert for forty years.

Who is John the Baptist? John 1:19-28

John the Baptist is a prophet but not THE PROPHET, THE MESSIAH, whose coming was indeed foretold by Moses - (Deuteronomy 18:15-19)

John has identifies Jesus as the Son of God- John 1:29-34

With John the Baptist declaring JESUS as the LAMB OF GOD is recalling the prophet Isaiah's "SERVANT OF GOD" who dies for the transgressions of His people (Isaiah 53:4-12).

The first followers of Jesus Christ- John 1:35-51

The first disciples of Christ had been first followers of John the Baptist- they were ANDREW, SIMON, PHILIP AND NATHANAEL, and also an UNAMED disciple, and some Fathers say it was John the author of this Gospel. It was also common literary device for a writer not to give his own name ( we can see Luke 24:13 for a source).

The wedding at Cana- John 2:1-12

Jesus' ministry begins at a wedding and the cool thing it will all end with a wedding the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in the world that is to come.

Jesus at the Temple- John 2:13-22

Jesus at the temple is also teaching us the necessity that the Church should be kept free from earthly pursuits. Each of us who is in Christ is considered a temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16; & 1 Corinthians 6:19), and we are to also keep our hearts and minds free and clear of earthly matters.

1 Corinthians 3:16:  Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

1 Corinthians 6:19: Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

Early Reaction to the Miracles of Jesus - John 2:23-25

"For He knew what was in man." This is telling us that Christ evaluates our hearts and knows we aren't bad by nature but by choice. Good and evil is a choice because we have free will, and our paths are directed by our choices our decisions. I like I stated in the beginning we have two choices we can serve sin and that serves Satan, we can serve goodness by choosing to do good and live in Christ and walk-in the light and the truth, that path that leads us to eternal life.

"Christ is the path that less traveled and Sin is the path that is always taken which path are you taking as of now."

Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you;

25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.” ’

In Christ love Jared W Campbell

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