Good evening. Great is His faithfulness. See rumble link having technical difficulties with YouTube tonight
Calming the Storm- Matthew 8:18, vv. 23-27- Mark 4:35-41- Luke 8:22-25
Jesus was sleeping because He was a Man Who needed His rest. In the Incarnation Christ asummed both human and divine wills. Christ allows this storm to take place to teach the disciples how to remain strong faith when trials, tribulations and afflictions occur, and for them to understand He is the One who calms all storms. Christ also shows mastery over all creation quieting the storm with the command of His voice, His creation that was spoken into existence. The disciples also demonstrated a lack of faith saying we are all going to die even though they seen Christ perform miracles before.
"God is in control of His world and your world. Rely upon Him. Vance Havner writes, "When we get to a place where it can't be done unless God does it, God will do it!" Enough said.
(OverComing Tough times devotional page, 65).
Casting Out Demons- Matthew 8:28-34- Mark 5:1-20- Luke 8:26-39
The demons become upset that Christ was messing with them before their appointed time at the end of the age. Very important information here even the demons recognize Him as the Son of Man, the Son of the Most High, and the fact of their appointed time at the end of the age- pointing to the end of the age reaping when the angels are sent out to gather both the wicked and the righteous.
Healing the Sick, the Blind, and the Possessed- Matthew 9:18-34- Mark 5:21-43 - Luke 8:40-56
Biggest take away from this is the healing of the woman with the bleeding issue of twelve years, and the raising from the dead of Jarius' daughter who was twelve years old. See the connection between the woman and Jarius' daughter- 12-12, Jesus calls the woman daughter to also strengthen the faith of Jarius because Jesus was already aware of the the little girl passing away. The Lord's timing was perfect!!!
A Final Visit to His Hometown- Matthew 13:54-58- Mark 6:1-6
This reading is leading into Christ's rejection In His hometown in Nazareth.
I closed out with explaining the name JPCE and how I came up with it...
J- for my name Jared
P- for my buddy Paul we served together in Iraq
C- for my buddy Chris, Heather and I served with Chris in the Army
E- my buddy Eric who I met through my wife because she and Eric's wife Katie where high school friends, Eric is also a Coast Guard Veteran
Numbers 6:24-26
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’
In Christ love Jared W Campbell
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