Good morning, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
He also discussed the importance of prayer, revival, and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as seen in Habakkuk 3:2 and Isaiah 57:15. He encouraged attendees to write down their prayers and trust God's timing.
Devotional Discussion: Revival in Personal and Church Life
Jared led a devotional discussion, focusing on the need for revival in personal and church life.
Religious Texts: Epic Chapter 3 and Isaiah 57:115
Jared led a discussion about religious texts, explicitly focusing on Habakkuk 3:2 and Isaiah 57:15. He emphasized the importance of prayer, revival, and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He encouraged the attendees to write down their prayers and trust God's timing. He also stressed the importance of reading different translations of the Bible to gain a deeper understanding.
Habakkuk 3:2 (NKJV):
O Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid;
O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years!
In the midst of the years, make it known;
In wrath, remember mercy.
Habakkuk 3:2 (Septuagint Translation)
O Lord, I have heard thy report and was afraid: I considered thy works and was amazed: thou shalt be known between the two living creatures, thou shalt be acknowledged when the years draw nigh; thou shalt be manifested when the time comes; when my soul is troubled, thou wilt in wrath remember mercy.
St. Augustine's commentary on the Septuagint Translation says and believes the two living creatures are either the Two Testaments, the two thieves, or Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration.
Isaiah 57:15
For thus says the High and Lofty One
Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:
“I dwell in the high and holy place,
With him, who has a contrite and humble spirit,
To revive the spirit of the humble,
And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Commentary from the Orthodox Study Bible on Isaiah 57:15: God is at once the Lord Most High, inconceivable and unknowable, and the Holy One who dwells among His saints and strengthens the fainthearted.
In Christ, love Jared W. Campbell
Numbers 6:24-26
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."'
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