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DAY 104: "NO SECRETS" (Luke 8:17)- "Objective is to keep oneself in Christ." See Description Box

Writer's picture: jaredcampbell31jaredcampbell31

Good morning, my brothers and sisters in Christ.


Jared led a spiritual discussion, emphasizing the importance of understanding and applying scripture and encouraging the group to seek spiritual knowledge and guidance. He highlighted the biblical principle that nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, calling attention to the dangers of committing sin secretly. Jared emphasized the importance of walking wisely and circumspectively in an evil world and standing against what is wrong. He stressed the need to protect all innocent children, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, as they are all God's children. He ended by expressing his love for the group and mentioning the importance of the Bible, particularly about current events in Israel. (Correction: at time stamp 4:42, I was explaining 2 Corinthians 5:10 and how it followed a discourse that started in 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:8; I mentioned Ephesians by accident).

Spiritual Discussion and Prayer (0:00)

Jared began the meeting with a spiritual discussion, referencing Luke, chapter 8, verse 17, and leading the group in prayer. He emphasized the importance of understanding and applying scripture and encouraged the group to seek spiritual knowledge and guidance. He also mentioned the true definition of a minister as someone who serves another's will.

The Dangers of Secret Sin (1:54)

Jared emphasized the biblical principle that nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, calling attention to the dangers of committing sin secretly. He stressed that everything done in darkness will be brought to light and encouraged Christians to live blameless lives in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. He also explained that faith without good works is dead and urged people to work towards salvation. Finally, he read from Ephesians 5, highlighting the importance of separating oneself from darkness and exposing its deeds.

Walking Wisely in an Evil World (10:21)

Jared emphasized the importance of walking wisely and circumspectively in an evil world and not abandoning it as a Christian. He encouraged standing against what is wrong, even if it means being the only one standing. Jared highlighted that faithful followers of Christ see the world differently, as their scales have been lifted, enabling them to see darkness for what it really is. He also stressed the need to protect all innocent children, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, as they are all God's children.

Love and Light: Importance of Faith and Works (13:51)

Jared emphasized the importance of love and exposing darkness, urging Christians to keep themselves in Christ and not to hate. He contrasted the concepts of light and darkness and stressed the importance of good works, noting that faith and works go together. He ended by expressing his love for the group and mentioning the importance of the Bible, particularly about current events in Israel. He also talked about the need for forgiveness and peace.

In Christ, Love Jared W Campbell

Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you;

25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

26 The Lord [a]lift His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.” ’

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